Role: “Mac”

What first inspired you to pursue acting as a profession?
I was always dreaming of being an actor. My first show was one of those Make Your Own Carnival kits that I saved up my pennies for when I was 7 years old. They sent you a bunch of cutout things that you could paste on cardboard boxes, and end up with a number of games. For instance, I made a bean bag toss, Maze, a circle to race around and some card tricks. It cost me 25 cents in 1958 and I made over $3 in the end. We had a lot of fun. After that, it was real.
What was your first-ever acting experience and what do you remember most about it?
My first ever was in a summer camp for poor children at Saddle Lake Camp. I was about 8 at the time. I did not have anything prepared, but after watching the other children perform, I was inspired raise my hand and went up. It was terrifying but I ended up improvising a story about a lonely ghost--who no one could see but who wanted a friend. That stuck with me and later I realized it was quite biographical. My first formal role was as Timmy in The Subject Was Roses, a play by Frank D. Gilroy. It was the story of a young man home from World War II--Timmy Cleary comes home to the fractured relationship of his parents.

Who is your all-time favorite on-camera actor, your favorite roles that they’ve played, and why their portrayals inspired you?
Daniel Day-Lewis is my favorite actor at this time. His Lincoln and his role in There Will be Blood were mesmerizing for the simple reason that he transforms himself so thoroughly in each role. I am always inspired by actors and actresses that can actually create a totally different vision of themselves on all levels, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This transformation is the ultimate goal for any true actor in my opinion.
Tell us about a recent film or TV series that has inspired you.
I watch a lot of international films and series because I am always looking for that human drama that many Hollywood producers have neglected recently. I am interested in the complexity of human relationships and how the world impacts these relationships. I do love Action, Sci-Fi and other genres, but it's the human drama I search for. Recently I watched The Green Frontier. That was inspiring for not only the human drama, but how the mystical side of life was intertwined so neatly throughout.
Without giving away any *spoilers* describe your most memorable moment while being on the set for Calf Rope?
Well, for any Calf Rope "insiders" I don't have to mention that MOST memorable moment because anyone who was there to watch knows what that is. But my favorite time in the role of Mac, was when I finally got to try my "cattle rattle" with a real crowd -- it was thrilling, let me tell ya'.

What did you learn most from being on the set of Calf Rope?
Oh my goodness, this is a question that could fill a book. I will keep it short. I learned how much work can be done when every crew, cast, and leadership member looks out for each other’s best interest in getting the best work from everyone.
That team was incredible and I owe any good work on my part to the incredible emotional support on top of the usual logistical support one gets on a set. I also learned that doing a story about a real person is a whole 'nother smoke -- it required the most committed effort one can give and there is never enough time to do all that it deserves.

Without revealing the context or which character says it, what is your favorite line from Calf Rope?
"...I'm on a rough ride right now..."

What one piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to pursue on-camera acting as a possible career path?
Only one piece of advice I always give: You have to work harder than anyone else and then some to create your best work-- no matter if it's a Red Cross training video or a starring role in a great film... each role you do must be your masterpiece.

How can people best keep in touch with you?
Instagram: @gormanjruggiero